JLC Models
3000-f Danville Blvd. #426
Alamo, CA 94507
925-389-8441 (ph)

Model Information

Locations Available

Model Attributes


Upload area - Please provide 3 photos - one must be full body, one must be head shot

Note: Each uploaded image must be larger than 10K and smaller than 500K (.5MB)
I have read, understand and agree to the terms of service as listed below.
  1. PROFESSIONALISM Your personal information is NEVER to be given to clients for any reason.
  2. Model agrees to let JLC Models use information to properly promote you.
  3. Please notify JLC Models of any changes in information contained in our records specifically address, telephone number, emergency contact numbers, or physical changes - hair, height, measurements or sizes.
  4. You are responsible for calling in to JLC Models to check in and make sure we have current and up-to-date information.
  5. BOOKINGS (JOBS) When a booking is confirmed, you will be given all necessary details pertaining to the booking at that time. If the details are left on your answering service, you must call to confirm with JLC Models. If you are unclear about any of the details regarding your booking, it is your responsibility to contact JLC Models immediately.
  6. Plan on arriving at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled bookings. You are responsible for being on time and being prepared for every booking. If you are late or a no-show for a confirmed booking, you are responsible for all cancellation, overtime and other costs the client may charge. It is important for you to understand that a client has a great deal of time and money invested in a booking, as well as deadlines to meet.
  7. If you should become ill you must call JLC Models. We need time to find a replacement. Do not call the client. If you are ill on the day of a confirmed booking and unable to do the job, you must see a doctor and provide JLC Models evidence that you did.
  8. NO SHOWS are absolutely unacceptable. You do have the option of refusing any assignment offered to you; however, once you have committed to work, you are expected to be there. A NO SHOW ONLY HAPPENS ONCE.
  9. Repeat assignments belong to JLC Models. When JLC Models places you, that assignment and all future assignments with that client belong to JLC Models. Any work you receive as a direct result of that assignment (referrals) also belong to JLC Models.
  10. VOUCHERS & PAYMENTS Do not discuss rates with clients - refer the client back to JLC Models if they want to talk about rates. Do not discuss rates with other models - rates are negotiated individually based on experience.
  11. The normal turn around time for payment is 7-30 days. JLC Models cannot issue payment on a job until the client pays the agency. Do not call the client for payment. The agency does not deduct any taxes from you check. Please keep a copy of all checks for tax purposes.
  12. You hereby appoint and engage JLC Models - 3000-f Danville Blvd. #426 - Alamo, CA 94507, as my non exclusive agent, related to employment in the fields of modeling, trade shows, promotions, print and related engagements, as booked by JLC Models.
  13. You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of JLC Models. You understand that failure to abide by the policies or other terms of this agreement shall constitute a basis for termination from JLC Models. I agree to hold JLC Models and it's representatives harmless from any and all claims arising from my association with them and release JLC Models from any and all liability, claims, losses or damages that result from any association with agency including accidents occurring during modeling assignments, travel, or industry related events.
  14. You authorize JLC Models to collect and receive payments on my behalf and to for-ward the balance thereof to me at the last mailing address I have provided.
  15. You agree to let JLC Models negotiate and set rates, obtain employment, negotiate agreements and collect and receive all sums of money in relation to fulfillment of work completed through the agency.
  16. You understand that you will be compensated on any bookings through JLC Models only after full payment has been received by JLC Models and said payment has cleared the account of the agency. In the event JLC Models is unable to collect from the client, you agree that you will suffer the loss.
  17. You recognize that JLC Models is performing services as an agent. You also understand that you are not in employment of JLC Models and as an independent contractor, you are responsible for all federal, state and employment taxes.
  18. You confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and a legally consenting adult.
2011- JLC Models